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Main » 2010 » June » 10 » Maintaining good health, Diets , body exercises and life longevity
11:21:57 AM
Maintaining good health, Diets , body exercises and life longevity

GARLIC is an effective help in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Laboratory research in the United States indicates that the enzyme garlicin checks the growth of cancer cells. In clinical practice, Chinese doctors have gained similar results. At present, the preventive role of garlic is stressed.
It is known that germanium and selenium tend to prevent cancer. Garlic has a high content of these two trace elements. A healthy person's gastric juice has a high acidity. But those over 40 or with chronic gastric atrophy secrete less gastric acidity. Its PH value can drop to only 5, under such a condition inducing bacteria or moulds to develop in the stomach.

Acted upon by these, the nitrate people take with food is reduced to nitrite, a major carcinogenic substance that composes nitrosamine. Garlic, however, controls the growth of bacteria and mould and thus can check the forming of nitrite, the necessary element for synthesizing nitrosamines.

Bacteria and mould are catalytic agents in the synthesis of dimethyl nitrosamine, diethyl sitrosamine and dibutyl nitrosamine. Without these agents synthesizing is difficult. Garlic stops bacteria and mould from acting as catalytic agents.

When the PH value of gastric juice is normal, nitrite and secondary amine undergo chemical reaction to form nitrosamine. Garlic acts on nitrite, preventing it from combining with secondary amine to form nitrosamine.

Carcinogenic substances exist in most people. But somepeople develop cancer and some do not. This depends on the a-bility of a person to resist the disease. People in many countries eat garlic for their health. Its enzyme helps the digestion of fats and protein so they are easily assimilated. This is perhaps the reason garlic gives people a good appetite. Garlic contains glycoside that can control cholesterol and balance transaminase, two elements that also help prevent cancer.

Doctors in Japan have discovered that cells treated with garlic preparations gain an enhanced immunity that stimulates the body to have an immunity reaction to wipe out cancer cells.

Thus facts show that eating garlic is a safe and effective way to help prevent cancer. An example is Cangshan County in China's Shandong Province, a main garlic growing area. Because its inhabitants eat much garlic, the mortality rate of cancer of the stomach there is the lowest in the province. Koreans love garlic and the incidence of cancer in that country is among the lowest in the world.

Careful chewing of the garlic brings out the full action of the enzyme garlicin which wipes out the bacteria and mould in the body that are the catalysts in the synthesization of the ni-trosamines. When garlic is cooked, its enzyme is lost. The heat also damages other elements in garlic that prevent such synthesization. Pounded garlic should be eaten at once before its efficiency is lowered. Those who are not used to eating raw garlic can try sweet and sour garlic (garlic soaked in vinegar with sugar) , though its efficiency is not the best.

Adults should eat 10 grams of garlic (4 cloves) a day. Results can be seen with time.
How to Keep Tour Hair in Good Condition

HAIR and skin are the mirrors of one's health. People with nice hair look energetic and healthy. Some people with white, thin or varicolored hair, or baldness are disconsolate. Whether the hair is healthy or withered is connected with gen¬eral health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the hair has close relations with the kidneys, liver, heart, lungs and brain.

Dark, sleek, soft and fast-growing hair is evidences of energy, a body full of vital energy and blood, and a healthy brain. Sparse or white hair indicates disease and decrepitude. An old saying goes like this: "A person gets old first in the hair."

Hair is not only an indicator of health, its elasticity and toughness also protects the head and brain, and it has the func¬tion of metabolism. This is why people want beautiful hair. The following instructions can achieve results:

1. Comb and massage the hair regularly.

Ancient special¬ists in health held that hair should be combed frequently. This should not be merely regarded as beautifying yourself; it is im¬portant to prevent aging and disease. A Chinese book on the causes of various diseases says, "Hair will not turn white if it is combed regularly." Another on longevity says, " Frequent combing improves the eyesight and relieves colds. The hair should be combed 120 times. " It is best to comb it three times a day, morning, noon and before going to bed. Comb backward from the forehead, forward from the back of the head, and then comb it from left to right and right to left, 45 times. Fin¬gers can play the same role. Massage your head softly with your fingers, first from forehead to the top of the head, then downward to the back, from the temples to the top of the head 10 times. After massage the scalp will feel hot and tight.

Medical research has pointed out that regular combing or massage has the following five effects: (1) it smoothes arteries and veins; (2) improves the circulation of the blood in the head; (3) nourishes the hair and prevents loss; (4) improves the eyesight, improves health and helps prevent cerebral hem¬orrhage; and (5) invigorates the function of the brain, refreshes the body and relieves fatigue.

2. Wash the hair frequently.

Cao Cishan, health specialist in the Qing Dynasty, wrote in a medical book, "Hair should be combed but not washed regularly. One will get a cold if it is washed in a wind." The ancients believed that the elderly and weak should wash their hair less often than people in good health. It is hygienically necessary to wash the hair. Since the sebaceous glands secrete a large quantity of esters, which not only keeps the hair supple but is bacterostatic, excessive wash¬ing or washing with ordinary soap will remove this protector of the hair and shorten its life. Serious overwashing may lead to ringworm.

Generally speaking, dry hair should be washed once every 10 to 15 days. If it is not so dry, once a week is good. Greasy hair should be washed every five days. The water should not be too hot but about 37°C . Hot water is harmful because it tends to turn the hair dry and fragile. But if the water is too cold, it doesn't wash clean. Different shampoos should be used for dif¬ferent types of hair. Neutral or dry hair should use toilet soap or neutral shampoo, greasy hair should use ordinary soap or laundry soap, or a shampoo containing more alkaline. Babies' hair should be washed with a special baby soap because their skin is very delicate.

Having your hair done can keep your hair in style, but al¬most every solution used contains sodium bicarbonate and ammonia which will damage your hair to some degree. Moreover, permed hair will turn yellow, fragile and lose its gloss. So hair should not be done with chemicals more than once in 5 months, even longer if the hair is normally dry. Children and those who are weak, allergic to chemicals, pregnant or lying in should not have their hair done with chemicals,

3. Be pleasant.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the mental factor has much to do with changes in the condition of the hair. The hair will turn white or fall if one is narrow-minded, burdened with anxiety or mentally too tired. An old Chinese saying goes like this: "Laugh once and be ten years younger, but worry will turn your hair white." It is said that in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-467 B. C.) Wu Zixu fled from the State of Chu to the State of Wu. As he traveled, he came to Zhaoguan Pass where he knew he might be arrested. He was so nervous that his hair and beard turned white overnight. He escaped the following day because this had changed him beyond recognition. The story exaggerates but tells us that hair condition has a close relation with spirit. Therefore, people should try to refrain from being upset, train a strong will, stay broad-minded, optimistic and calm in order to meet the complications of life. This can not only keep your hair in good condition but is conducive to good physical and mental health.

4. Take care of your hair.

Those who work in strong sun¬shine or dusty places should wear caps. But caps should not be so tight that they affect sweat drainage. On rainy days the hair should be protected. The hair should not become muggy, so caps should not be worn a long time. If your work requires a cap, safety helmets with ventilation help ensure healthy hair growth.

5. Pay attention to diet.

A variety of diets that keep a balance between acid and base helps prevent baldness and white hair. Eat foods containing proper protein, iodine, calcium and vitamins B, A and E such as in milk, fish, eggs, coarse grain, green vegetables, fruit, especially melons. Those with gray, dry and thin hair should take Chinese medicine for prevention and treatment. Those whose hair has fallen or turned white early for their age because of physical weakness should eat wal¬nuts and take Shouwu Yanshoii Dan and the tonic Qi Bao Met Xu Dan to build up the kidneys.

Very important for beautiful, health hair: Give up smok¬ing, drinking and over-eating. Do physical training regularly, strike a proper balance between work and rest, use your brain rationally and live a regular life with good habits and customs.
Hand Workouts with Metal Balls

IT IS common in China to see elderly people strolling or chatting while turning two polished metal balls in one hand. The clicking of the balls gives a clear, musical sound. These are what the old folks call "keep-fit balls." The Chinese Premier presented U. S. President Reagan and Mrs. Reagan each with a pair as a gift during their visit to China in 1984.

Keep-fit balls can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago. They first appeared as solid balls used for exercise and to defend oneself. They gradually developed into hollow balls with something like a clapper inside to produce a sound when turned, and were mainly used for keeping fit. Some elderly people use walnuts or wooden balls instead.

The keep-fit ball exercise is simple and easy to do. Place the balls in the palm of the right hand and rotate them counter¬clockwise with the five fingers. Then change to the other hand and rotate them clockwise. Practice until they can be manipu¬lated smoothly. A skillful exerciser can operate three or four balls in one hand at the same time and perform in several different ways.

The exercise helps to stimulate flood circulation and relax¬es the muscles and joints. If done regularly, some say, it also regulates central cerebral nerves and improves memory. It is helpful in preventing and treating numbness in the hands, trembling, finger or wrist arthritis and hypertension.

According to traditional Chinese medicine's theories on the channels and their collaterals through which the qi flows, on the five fingers of each hand there are a number of acu¬points connected to several channels. These channels link the cerebral nerves with viscera. Symptoms manifested in a certain internal organ immediately reflect along a certain channel.

The keep-fit ball exercise, through regular movements of the hands, is aimed at promoting the normal operation of the channels, regulating the qi and blood circulation, and benefiting internal organs. The friction between the balls in motion and between the balls and the palm produces static electricity and heat which stimulate the channels, and therefore it is be¬lieved useful in treating ailments in many parts of the body.
Exercises for the Heart in the summer

IT IS in the summer that all living things flourish the most and the human body's metabolism is most active. In the long days, short nights and hot weather, people have more outdoor activity and less sleep. Higher energy consumption means quicker blood circulation, more sweat and a heavier burden on the heart. Neglect of proper maintenance of the heart is harmful. So traditional Chinese medicine stresses care of the heart in the summer.

There are many ways to protect the heart. For example, going to bed later in the evening and getting up earlier in the morning; wearing lighter clothing and changing more often; eating less warm food and more sour, sweet and spicy food to make up for excess sweating; and keeping in a good mood. Here are some exercises for keeping the heart healthy:

1. Sit straight.

Place the two arms between the thighs nat urally. Breathe evenly. Then make fists, exhale when clenching and inhale when loosening. Repeat six times without inter

This exercise can regulate the qi (vital energy) and blood flow. Exerting strength following the breath is beneficial to the normal functioning of the channels and collaterals through which the qi circulates. When making fists, the movements of the fingers can massage the laogong points at the center of the palms, which is good for heart maintenance. A better result can be had by grasping a keep-fit ring in each hand.

2. Sit straight.

Use the left hand to press the right wrist.
Breathe evenly. Raise the two hands above the head as if lifting something heavy. Exhale when the hands are up and inhale when they are down. Repeat 10 to 15 times. Then put the right hand on the left wrist and do the same. Also repeat 10 to 15 times.

This exercise can promote the normal operation of channels and collaterals, regulate the qi and blood flow, and limber the muscles and joints of the arms.

3. Sit straight.

Clasp the two hands. Bend the right knee, put the knee between the two palms. Exert strength against the knee, then relax. Change to the left knee and do the same. Repeat six times each. This exercise can treat ailments in the chest area and make one feel relieved. It can also limber the muscles and joints of the limbs.

4. Sit straight.

Place the two arms on the knees naturally. Close the eyes slightly. Breathe evenly. Close mouth slightly. Sit still for a while. When the saliva accumulates, swallow it in three gulps. Then clamp the teeth 10 to 15 times. This exercise can tranquilize the nerves, strengthen the teeth and invigorate the function of the spleen.

Points to remember:

Do the exercises in a quiet place with cool, fresh air. Early morning or in the evening is best. Elderly people, weak and those with heart troubles should do more in the summer.
Keeping Healthy with Good Living Habits

Traditional Chinese medicine holds that good living habits, which aid the human organism in adjusting to changes in natural environments, are important in preventing disease and maintaining good health.
Morning Principles

Ge Hong (284-364), a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, wrote in his classic medical book that "people should not get up before the cock crows nor after sunset." This means that people should get up early and not oversleep. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that vital energy starts to accumulate in the morning and so advises people to do massage or other excises in the morning to adjust the human organism.

The easiest way to do this is when you are still lying down. Before you get up, pat your chest several times. Then sit up, expel your breath sharply to let out the bad gas. Then rub your hands. When they become warm, "wash" your face with them. Use the back of your thumbs to rub the sides of your nose up and down 35 times. Then softly rub your upper eyelids 35 times. Embrace your head with your hands, palms covering your ears. Use your index and middle fingers to flip your head back 24 times. Swing your body right and left 35 times. Stretch each arm 35 times. Then stretch each leg 35 times. Finally, close each eye 35 times.

After getting up it is good to go to a park or riverside where the air is fresh to do some mild exercises such as qigong, taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan), strolling or running. The negative ions of the fresh air help invigorate the metabolism and expel the harmful substances accumulated in your breathing during the night. Mild exercises also help achieve this effect. Old people should put on enough clothes to avoid being hit by cold or wind.

Proper Balance Between Work and Rest

In our daily life we must maintain a proper balance between work and rest. The Chinese people’s ancestors suggested that we should harmonize the proportion between work and rest. Work leads to a healthy body. Sun Simiao, a noted Chinese doctor of ancient times, pointed out that proper manual and mental labor is important in building up the body and preventing disease. He advised old people to continually use their brain and to do physical exercises. But they should not be done to excess, otherwise they will ruin health.

However, to be too much at leisure can also damage health. More than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese classical medical book, Yellow Emperor’s Manual of Internal Medicine, pointed out that excessive idleness harms health. This is because just idling away every day does not exercise the body and brain, hinders blood and vital energy circulation and produces flaccid muscles and indigestion. To balance work and rest one should first fix a regular time schedule for study, work and exercises.

Then rest should consist of sleep and recreational activities. Try to develop different hobbies to enrich your life, such as listening to music, watching films or TV shows, enjoying poetry, painting, playing chess, and growing plants.

Bath Principles

Taking baths is one of the signs of civilization. They clean the skin, stimulate the blood circulation, expel fatigue and prevent disease. Many people who live long have the habit of taking frequent baths. Lukewarm or cold water is best. It’s better to have cold water in the morning or at noon than at night. Don’t take a bath when you are hungry; it sometimes produces faintness from a decrease in blood sugar. On the other hand, if you take a bath when you are too full, your digestion will be affected.

Bathing time should not be too long nor the water too hot. Do not go into a breeze after a bath, for it is easy to catch a cold at this time. Those with coronary heart disease, angina pectoris or high blood pressure should be even more careful with a bath. Do not take a bath if you have a high temperature or have just been doing intense sports exercises. Menstruating or pregnant women should not take cold baths.

Sleep Principles

Sleep eliminates fatigue and restores energy. A Chinese saying claims that "to sleep well is better than to eat well." Nourishing food and tonics cannot replace the role of sleep. Traditional Chinese medicine advises people to go to bed early and get up early. Good sleep at night should be a habit. Don’t often break this habit and work late into the night. The bed should not be too hard or too soft, and the pillow should not be too high. The best sleeping position is lying on your right side, supplemented by lying on your left side or back. Don’t lie on your stomach. The bedroom should be clean and cosy.

If you are in a bad mood or unhappy, go out for a walk or do qigong or massage before going to bed. If conditions don’t allow you to take a hot bath, washing your feet in warm water can also help sleep. Don’t eat food, drink strong tea or coffee, or smoke before going to bed. While lying in bed don’t talk, lie in a breeze, or face the light. Don’t open your mouth, cover your face with the blanket, lie in a damp place or in the open. In short, good sleeping habit is important to your health.

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